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Tamika Washington

6 Ways To Level-Up Your Goals

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

As much as I love sports, I’m not a fan of the Olympics but I was intrigued by the 2018 Winter Olympics for some reason. You would not believe which sport I watched and kept track of? Definitely not skiing. Bobsledding or as said in the olympic world ‘bobsleigh’.

I’m not sure why I was interested but I tuned in during my morning breaks to catch up or watch live. I learned so many interesting facts about the sport:

  1. The first push of acceleration is very important.

  2. The pilot and brakeman have to be in sync with one another with timely jumps into the sled.

  3. Flexibility is key as you fit two bodies into a tiny sled. Some on their heels while the driver sits.

  4. Friction can slow you down and cause you to lose the race by hundredths of a second.

  5. The pilot sees everything. One pilots said he never tells his teammates about what’s ahead and tells them it was a good trip.

  6. Physics plays a huge part in bobsledding. Sledders have to be very careful of their moves to avoid crashing.Tootsie roll oat cake cotton candy candy dragée macaroon pudding sesame snaps.

In order to live your best life, you have to set goals & work to accomplish them!

So how does this relate to setting goals Tamika? Simple.

  1. 1. Pushing yourself to get started on your goals is very important. The first push propels you; it gets your started.

  2. 2. Timeliness is important. There is nothing like setting a goal to get something completed in a week and you haven’t considered your family, your work schedule, or other things you are working on as well. Make sure you set realistic goals while considering other tasks on your schedule.

  3. 3. When hammering out your plan, be flexible. If you set out to read daily for 30 minutes and something comes up, find ways to squeeze some time in or spread the extra minutes throughout the week.

  4. 4. What are some things that bring hindrance to your life? Consider the “friction” and find ways to avoid it so that you don’t lose sight of your goal.

  5. 5. This is my favorite one. Who is the pilot in your life? In bobsledding the pilot plays a huge role in the success of the team. My pilot is God. He sees everything that lies ahead of us. He guides our path and gives us what we need to be successful.

  6. 6. You have the power to put things in motion. Just put little force behind it, some motivation that is. We are already in August. The third quarter of the year is coming to a close soon folks. What declarations did you make over your life? What daily affirmations are you telling yourself to push you closer to your dreams? What goals do you need to set in order to end 2018 with shouting bang?

I know we live in a virtual, online world. Shopping, chatting, connecting with people are all at our finger tips. HOWEVER…. There is something about the power of writing. Write out your goals. The pen, the paper and your brain will connect when you do this. It’s powerful y’all!

In order to live your best life, you have to stop wishing and start working so take your first step toward your destiny. Write your goals to win the gold!

Sis, you got this!


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