I've been in a little hesitation mode for a week or so because of a few things. So since transparency is the best
currency, I hope my sharing of this emotional rollercoaster blesses you or someone you know who may be experiencing the same thing.
I'm at a point in my life where titles don't move me. While I use to get caught up in the whirlwind of being called a coach, author, speaker, CEO, consultant, I've learned that its not about the title but more about the work. Yes, we all deserve the recognition but the reward is greater when God gets the glory for the work.
Since my education career, I've spoken at national conferences, written articles and guest blogs for publications, and I've trained teachers for one of the largest school districts in South Carolina and all over the US. Recently, I've been thinking "wow, God, those past opportunities were amazing but those days are over, right?" No, they're not. Have you ever been in a place where you're like, "I know who God says I am and whose I am" yet there is a loud voice-social media, critics, fear- stopping you from positioning yourself to show up whole and authentic? As I write this confession, I am removing the muzzle because for weeks I've been numb to the voices attempting to assassinate my calling.
Can you do something RIGHT NOW? Look in the mirror and tell yourself I know WHO I AM!
The thing I love about my relationship with God is He gives me glimpses of my future at different milestones but your girl here will sit with th
e voices who end up clouding the picture. For a week I was aching in pain from a little bug that made its way in my house and during this time of rest, I spent time giving God my excuses. And I know He was sick of me LOL. I didn't want to pray about anything and I didn't want answers for anything. I was telling God everything I didn't want to do because I became use to being told what I should not be doing and what I wasn't qualified to do.
Not qualified to do and shouldn't be doing became my theme. And just like Moses I gave an excuse of what I couldn't do because I wasn't qualified due to my deficits, my inadequacies, my lack of preparation, and I even had the audacity to question my purpose (A BIG NO NO!).
The saying goes, whom the Lord calls, He qualifies. How often are we selling ourselves short because we are looking at our own abilities and not trusting God will grace us with the skills, tools, and much more to navigate what's before us? What God has been saying to me in the midst of my tantrum and in the midst of my procrastination is this simple message "I'll give you what you if you just do my will." Just like He called this elderly man, Moses, to lead a nation to fre
edom, no matter who opposes, no matter what obstacles lie ahead. God parted the Red Sea, became the light in the night, drowned the enemy, and the captives were set free because in spite of how Moses saw himself, He did God's will.
So listen up, If God can qualify Moses I KNOW He will qualify you and me.
Today is a good day to silence the critics of your life and give God a big
YES. Someone is attached to your yes. Hearken unto the voice of God and give Him your YES!
A scripture to meditate on this week is "O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day, if you will hear his voice," Psalm 95:6-7